All Physiotherapy treatment is by registered therapists and should be covered under health insurance plans.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Dance Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy by Tele-health
Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Programs
We currently offer Clinical Pilates as a part of your physiotherapy-led rehabilitation program. Programs are booked on a monthly basis, and a follow-up assessment with your physiotherapist is required at regular intervals. Please note that we may not be able to book future sessions for you without a follow-up appointment booked, as your therapist will need to assess your progress before designing the program for your next group of sessions, if appropriate. All Rehab sessions are 50 minutes in length and are held in prepaid blocks by calendar month. When booking your sessions, the time you choose is for each week of the block unless otherwise noted.
1:1 Rehabilitation sessions under Physiotherapist supervision are charged at $100 per session for a total cost of $400 per block ($300 for 3 week blocks, $500 for 5 week blocks). Programs may qualify for coverage under extended health plans, however please check with your provider before proceeding. All rehab programs utilizing Pilates are prepaid, with the balance being due before the first class. Refunds are not available for missed sessions. As this is a tailored physiotherapy program, no-one else can take the session on your behalf if you are unable to attend.
Dance Programs
Your appointment is reserved especially for you. With a busy practice and a wait-list for appointments, we have a strict cancellation policy requiring 24 hours notice. Missed visits and cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full appointment fee, and are the responsibility of the patient. Pre-paid programs are not refundable once begun, and there are no refunds for missed sessions. In the case of concern about potential symptoms of illness, we are able to offer your appointment via tele-health if you are not able to attend in person.
TÅPESTRY Integrative Health is a scent-free environment, and we kindly ask that you refrain from wearing fragrance or scented products to your appointment.
Unfortunately we cannot provide childcare within the studio and do not allow unattended children anywhere within our space. This is due to the potential risks and disruption of therapy to other clients. If you are unable to attend in person because of childcare concerns, illness etc., we are happy to offer a telehealth option for your appointment.
We also kindly ask that you switch you cell phone to silent mode while in the clinic so as not to disturb other clients during their time with us.
When utilizing the pilates equipment and the gym space we ask that all clients wear grip socks for safety and comfort. Socks are available for purchase if needed.
For private, duo, semi-private and group sessions, missed appointments are fully payable and not receiptable for Extended Benefit Plans. Extended Benefit carriers may decline receipts provided by TÅPESTRY Integrative Health support staff, even when all legal criteria are met. We cannot be held responsible if your carrier denies payment for any sessions with our physiotherapists or instructors.