Clinical Pilates

Created by Joseph Pilates in Germany during the early 20th century, Pilates is a method of exercise that targets core strength and posture. This allows a focus on control, balance, strength and flexibility while treating a variety of injuries, especially those of the neck and back. Modern Clinical Pilates uses a variety of specialised equipment to provide the best possible result. With a strong evidence in place of the benefit of therapeutic exercise in the treatment of injury, it is important to realize that a generic approach to pilates will not work for everyone, and may even be harmful for some patients.

At Tapestry we utilise a tailored approach to you individual needs, using the experience and assessment of your physiotherapist to develop a program that directly addresses your case.

This means we can help you get back to your best, as well as taking a preventative approach to the future while improving your core stability, posture, strength and flexibility.  

We are currently only offering Pilates as a part of your physiotherapy-led rehabilitation program. Programs are booked on a monthly basis, and a follow-up assessment with your physiotherapist is required at regular intervals. Please note that we may not be able to book future sessions for you without a follow-up appointment booked, as your therapist will need to assess your progress before designing the program for your next group of sessions. All rehab programs utilizing Pilates are prepaid, with the balance being due 48 hours before the first class. Refunds are not available for missed sessions. As this is a tailored physiotherapy program, no-one else can take the session on your behalf if you are unable to attend.

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